Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Trusting God. If I am at a place where I believed God has brought me and after a time do not see the whole picture I may easily begin to believe that I had not heard God in the first place and move on to something else or leave what I was doing. I may give up thinking it was me that brought me to where I am. God has been dealing with me on patience and trust. In Scripture I am looking at John the Baptist who announced Jesus Christ, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” and yet even after hearing of the works of Jesus sent some of his disciples to ask Jesus if He was the One to come, or if they should expect someone else? I realize that sometimes we need to look at the road that brought us to the point where we are at and realize God was directing us. I need to trust that I am in God’s will today, know that He sees beginning, end, and everything in the middle and that I can see only today, and I must trust one day at a time. And until I learn to do this well I will cheat myself out of the joy and peace that the Lord offers.
--Mark Bersch

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