Tuesday, September 9, 2008

God's Sovereignty

"Don't you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heartand these make a man 'unclean'." Matthew 15: 17-18 God actually showed me something really cool in the book Celebration of Discipline. About five or so pages in, it talks about what the Bible calls "will worship", (Col. 2:20-23), or trying to take the position of 'God' when it comes to change in our life. Furthermore, it contrasted the difference between a person who has been transformed as a result of God's hand, and the person who puts on a front. The difference being, a person who has 'fixed' themselves will crack under pressure—eventually, their true nature will show through. However, a person who is fixed by God will crack and show the love of Christ through those cracks. This convicted me deeply because I saw (and felt) the 'cracks' and 'breaks' in my life. During some recent difficult times, I saw myself becoming angry to the point of bitterness, and thinking careless thoughts that I'm sure weren't pleasing God. That made me realize God had to fix what I was struggling with—that I in no way could save myself, and I had to fully and totally rely on God as my sovereign provider.

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