Monday, September 22, 2008


Very recently i had this huge feeling of doubt, although i knew it was not right, i still could not help to wonder, "I'm i really supposed to be attending SOM, should i really have talked to this person, did i say the right things? Is it possible that maybe what i thought would help bring this person to know God, really in fact has set them farther away?" exc. thought like these kept on pop corning in my mind, at that point in time I realized that through all these "works" i was really just depending on myself, and sure, asking God to guide me, but wasn't really listen and taking guidance from Him. When God opened my mind and bluntly showed me my wrongs, i put it in His hands, and that evening two main things that were on my plate, that i had been trying to accomplish on my own, God bought to ease. How amazing is our God???! pretty AMAZING HUH?! all in all this weeks lesson has been on God showing me not to look to myself for strength, but to HIM! God bless you all! ~in His loving name-
--Manda Klebesadel

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