Tuesday, September 9, 2008

God's Will

This week God has really been talking to me about his will and how I can know that it is him.
1) My focus needs to be on Him, and not my life.
2) I must adjust my life to His work.
3) He is not going to adjust His work and will to fit me.
4) Once I have sought Him and He tells me what He is doing then I know what to do.
This was Jesus' pattern in His life on earth and we follow that example.In John 10:2-5 Jesus uses the ex. of the shepherd and His sheep to warn that we hear many voices, but His people will learn and know His voice.From my own experience as a sheep herder it really makes me think about how true that is because my sheep didn't go to just anyone they waited to hear my voice and that is how we should be with God.
--Ashley Maggard

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